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Miglia Coffee

Specialty coffee from As in many such stories, it started with drinking coffee. At first it wasn't anything special, until we finally came across specialty coffee, prepared the way it should be, and fell in love.

We drank more and more, read, experimented. Finally we thought - why not make our own coffee and combine it with our passion for classic cars? The idea germinated in our heads for a long time, until we finally prepared it in cooperation with even more coffee enthusiasts - a professional coffee roaster.

We are confident in this product and the quality of our specialty coffee. Miglia Coffee will be perfect for all car enthusiasts who like to drink delicious coffee at home or in the garage, or maybe even somewhere while traveling in a vintage car. The coffee is freshly roasted, in three types closely related to our product series: Classic&Original, Veloce and Get out & Drive. Check them out and try each of them.


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